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Zinacantan was born in 2012 by Fabiola Torres-Monfil and her co-founder Diana Pinzón in the hills of San Diego La Mesa Tochilmiltzingo as a traditional mezcal project that had as its starting point the conservation of the biodiversity of the agaves of the Mixteca Poblana. As the years have passed, the Zinacantan project has been consolidated step by step, with initiatives that have sought to understand the environment in depth in order to conserve the biodiversity of this region of the state of Puebla. In addition, they have worked to maintain the small production of only 1,500 litres per year of traditional mezcal. While the brand is over ten years old, it has only this year been imported to Europe. We are very excited to have this incredible mezcal project into our collection of agave spirits.

10 Results

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pechuga 2022 200 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pechuga 2022 200 ml back label

Zinacantan Pechuga 2022 | 200ml

Agave by Montiel

349,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pitzomel 2023 200 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pitzomel 2023 200 ml back label

Zinacantan Pitzomel 2023 | 200ml

Agave by Montiel

349,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl 2022 200 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl 2022 200 ml back label

Zinacantan Papalometl 2022 | 200ml

Agave by Montiel

349,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl fermented in leather2023 200 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl fermented in leather2023 200 ml back label

Zinacantan Papalometl Fermented in leather 2023 | 200ml

Agave by Montiel

399,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pitzomel fermented in leather2023 200 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pitzomel fermented in leather2023 200 ml back label

Zinacantan Pitzomel Fermented in Leather 2023 | 200ml

Agave by Montiel

399,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Wild Espadilla 2023 500 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Wild Espadilla 2023 500 ml back label

Zinacantan Espadilla 2023 | 500ml

Agave by Montiel

699,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl 2022 500 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Papalometl 2022 500 ml back label

Zinacantan Papalometl 2022 | 500ml

Agave by Montiel

699,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Cupreata 2023 500 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Cupreata 2023 500 ml back label

Zinacantan Cupreata 2023 | 500ml

Agave by Montiel

729,00 kr

Unit price

Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pechuga 2022 500 ml
Zinacantan Mezcal Agave Spirits Pechuga 2022 500 ml back label

Zinacantan Pechuga 2022 | 500ml

Agave by Montiel

799,00 kr

Unit price