ZINACANTAN | Papalometl 2022 | 500ml
Fabiola Torres Monfil distills Papalometl (Agave potatorum) generally in the months of March to the first week of May. She always works hand in hand with her brother Silvestre Torres Monfil and her nephew Noe Torres who has been her apprentice for 9 years.
In the municipality of San Diego la Mesa, Papalometl is considered the most iconic agave for distillation in this part of the Mixteca of Puebla. Named after a word from the Nahuatl language that translates butterfly due to the beautiful arrangement of its leaves. The Agave potatorum is endemic to Mexico and is distributed in a small region between Puebla and Oaxaca of only 15,000 km 2, the high pressure exerted on it by the distillate market has led to a rapid decline in its population.
This expression of Papalometl plants (Agave potatorum - wild) are selected in the mountains with great precision. Only agave called fine or mature is used, which is 12 years old and shows signs of being just in time before producing its quiote.
This second batch of Papalometl distilled in the month of May 2022 was fired in a 4-ton conical brick oven, then rested for two days and was crushed in an electric mill. Its fermentation in pine wood vats for 25 days only with wild yeasts. It was obtained in a single distillation, using a copper still. The final result is an exquisite distillate of 48% ABV.
- Made by maestra mezcalera Fabiola Torres Monfil
- 100% wild maguey Papalometl (Agave potatorum)
- Average age of the agave before harvest: 12 years
- San Diego la Mesa Tochimiltzingo, about 1027 meters above sea level
- Roasted in truncated conical earthen oven
- Hand crushed with axe and machetes first and electric shredder to finish
- Dry fermentation in open pine tree wood vats with natural yeast
- One distillation in Filipino style copper pot still using well water
- 48% ABV
- 630 litres produced in 2022
ZINACANTAN | Papalometl 2022 | 500ml
Fabiola Torres Monfil distills Papalometl (Agave potatorum) generally in the months of March to the first week of May. She always works hand in hand with her brother Silvestre Torres Monfil and her nephew Noe Torres who has been her apprentice for 9 years.
In the municipality of San Diego la Mesa, Papalometl is considered the most iconic agave for distillation in this part of the Mixteca of Puebla. Named after a word from the Nahuatl language that translates butterfly due to the beautiful arrangement of its leaves. The Agave potatorum is endemic to Mexico and is distributed in a small region between Puebla and Oaxaca of only 15,000 km 2, the high pressure exerted on it by the distillate market has led to a rapid decline in its population.
This expression of Papalometl plants (Agave potatorum - wild) are selected in the mountains with great precision. Only agave called fine or mature is used, which is 12 years old and shows signs of being just in time before producing its quiote.
This second batch of Papalometl distilled in the month of May 2022 was fired in a 4-ton conical brick oven, then rested for two days and was crushed in an electric mill. Its fermentation in pine wood vats for 25 days only with wild yeasts. It was obtained in a single distillation, using a copper still. The final result is an exquisite distillate of 48% ABV.
- Made by maestra mezcalera Fabiola Torres Monfil
- 100% wild maguey Papalometl (Agave potatorum)
- Average age of the agave before harvest: 12 years
- San Diego la Mesa Tochimiltzingo, about 1027 meters above sea level
- Roasted in truncated conical earthen oven
- Hand crushed with axe and machetes first and electric shredder to finish
- Dry fermentation in open pine tree wood vats with natural yeast
- One distillation in Filipino style copper pot still using well water
- 48% ABV
- 630 litres produced in 2022